Post by Fox on Oct 17, 2008 15:14:42 GMT -5
Yes. A penguin.
I usually lace my rock candy with...other candy. =D Crush 'em all into chunks and put 'em in a bag of sour Skittles or something. >.> Mm..sour rock candy...
Post by Faith on Oct 18, 2008 4:13:42 GMT -5
*Snrk!* That could do it, as far as rock-candy highs are concerned. Hm... seeing as I just watched Iron Man... I might have some quotes from that, that people haven't already used. ;D (Pretty good, I agree with the people that were talking about it here earlier.) Though I bet everyone here has seen it by now. *Pepper walks into room while Tony attempts to escape bashed, bullet-hole riddled iron man armor/suit-type apparel with the assistance of mulitple robotic aids. ---Astonishment---* Pepper: "What's going on in here?" Tony: "... Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you've caught me doing." Jim: Hey Tony. Tony: I'm sorry. This is the fun-vee. The hum-drum-vee is back there. --- *Following the largely unpleasant events after the aforementioned statements* Tony: "How was the fun-vee?" I liked the little fire-prevention robot. XD
Post by Dragyn on Oct 18, 2008 4:51:00 GMT -5
Everybody likes the fire-prevention-bot.
Post by Faith on Oct 18, 2008 13:43:00 GMT -5
*Laugh!!!* It'd be so neat to have one of those suits... 0.0 Not a clue as to what I'd do with it, but... XD The ending was kinda' ridiculous. Can't say I agree with certain decisions, but, hey, made me laugh. ;D Your accidental Double post has been fixed.
Post by Fox on Oct 18, 2008 21:20:38 GMT -5
I like the robot, too.
Rrg...but that car! He landed right on it! D: By the way...that orange one? It was a Zonda. <3
I imagine the next movie will pick up from there, is why they ended it that way. Didja notice the Captain America reference? :3 ~fwee~ Great. Now you got me going on about Marvel...xP
Post by bloodreaper on Oct 18, 2008 22:32:53 GMT -5
I'm not really a comics fan, too many crossovers, and too much cannon backlog, but after I watched Iron Man I did a little reading on the Marvel universe to find out what the deal was with SHIELD.
Was there anybody who actually liked the super Civil War, is it just the most vocal group that hated it?
I mention this, because it seems to my rookie eyes that Marvel is using it's movies to set up a movie version of said arc, and I'm somehow hoping it doesn't go that way. The whole thing feels like a lame excuse to make all the major characters of your continuity duke it out over a bad idea that some of them are inexplicably willing to kill for.
That said, the ending was meh, because it incorporated so many cliches that you couldn't conceive of it having anything other than a typical ending. Sure the hero always wins, and we know that, be we normally manage to forget that long enough to get a little tense.
Iron Man denies us our willing suspension of disbelief, with an evil Iorn Man suit, which cannot be made to fly convincingly, and yet flies all over the place, a damsel in distress, a reactor overloading, a bunch of very poorly delivered quips, few of which were any good to start with, and dudes wearing enough armor to build a battleship, punching each other, and actually having an effect.
The Final battle was meant to wow us, but it was so predicatable that the audience finds this tiny voice in their heads saying, "Yeah, Tony kills the bad guy, and they all live happily ever after, stop with the delaying and get on with it. My legs are falling asleep."
A good movie climax prevents you from noticing your legs until you try to stand up.
Post by Fox on Oct 19, 2008 14:14:33 GMT -5
I think it's been the plan the whole time. The end of X-Men? That's what got me thinking about something different. Then the ending in the new Hulk..and of course the Captain America references in both Hulk & Iron Man. My cousin mentioned a few other hidden references and crossovers in other movies. Now, Fantastic Four..my dad mentioned that particular comic was full of crossovers. In short..I was right from the beginning. At the end of X-Men and Spiderman. They are, indeed, making a movie. Being the hard-core Marvel fan I am..I'm thrilled with this. :3 Ghost Rider & Iron Man were the best movies I've seen in a long time..so I'm hoping this will not disappoint. Meantime, I think any further conversation about it deserves its own topic..rather than derailing this one any further. >.>
Post by Faith on Oct 19, 2008 23:05:52 GMT -5
Oops... heh... >.< Huh... I wonder how I did that... I recall having attemtped to modify... ... ... XD Sorry, ya'll. Thanks. ' Super Civil War? Hm... It was kinda irritating in some fashion, how cliche it got. But I expect some things from movies to just be ridiculously cliche, seeing as they always continue to abuse certain ones (like "damsels in distress..." makes me want to slap 'em around, sometimes, when they become those, so easily, and then won't do anything when they, say, have a wide open opportunity to bash the bad guy in the back of the head with something formidable... or when they take off stumbling away from some pursuer with their high-heels... that's just about as bad... >.<) But, *ahem...* yeah. Heh. Hm... Okay. My sister was randomly quoting Happily Ever After, where that one Spanish guy was after the other one with 11 fingers, repeating, "I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Well, my sister's in first year Spanish... she likes to spurt random bits in the language. (Even if she doesn't understand it... and, sometimes, nor do any actual Spanish-speakers, for that matter...) So she was quoting that, yes, and forgot his name. Instead she used the next best thing she could think of, which was a piece of Spanish she'd heard, but wasn't really familiar with. She just thought it sounded cool, I guess. It came out as (with the translated bit) ...: "My name is The United States. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Not as great as some other's, on here, but... XD
Post by Fox on Oct 19, 2008 23:14:46 GMT -5
*cough* That's Princess Bride. >.>
Ah, brings back memories of Babelfish...
Post by Dragyn on Oct 20, 2008 10:44:17 GMT -5
"Cake has expert of cake, but Newton Von Figg is fruit, and hardens."
Post by bloodreaper on Oct 20, 2008 14:53:14 GMT -5
SWAT Kats:
Razor"Releasing Mole Missile: Now!"
Dark Kat: "Now where was I? Oh, yes. Doomsday... "
Razor: "Piece of cake! Just remember: Always cut the red wire."
[Opens the nuclear bomb's casing to reveal a huge mess of red wire.]
"Dark Kat you miserable psycho!"
Feral: "Great! I can't burn, cut or blast! What does he expect me to do?!"
Feral's constant failures aren't, I believe primarily a result of his hubris and glory hogging, but rather stem from his inability to solve problems with something besides HE missiles.
His rivals, the titular SWAT Kats, succeed where he fails because they have an arsenal of gadgets, in addition to the plain old explosives they carry.
Post by Fox on Oct 20, 2008 18:08:52 GMT -5
Somebody other than me remembers that show! =D Yay!
Peter: Once again, evil is as rotting meat before the maggots of justice! Jim: Thank you for cramming that delightful image into my brain, Peter.
~Earthworm Jim. Gosh, I loved that show....
Post by bloodreaper on Oct 21, 2008 2:37:51 GMT -5
Actually, I just stumbled across a few episodes while surfing the web.
I found the lines in question particularly amusing or telling, so I quoted them.
I generally spent that era of my life playing Mario, instead of watching TV.
Interestingly enough, as so as I posted my analysis of Commander Feral, I got to the episode where he uses weed killer bombs, to fight plant monsters. They don't work either, because Doctor Viper expected the SWAT Kats to try that. In retrospect, Feral also used an antibiotic missile on the giant germ monster, and Viper anticipated that with immunity too.
I'd accuse the writers of randomly foiling the Enforcers' attacks, just so the SWAT Kats can be the heroes, but Viper also now makes minions immune to both electro-rockets and octopus missiles, the SWAT Kats' primary offensive arsenal.
So yeah, glory hogging bravado, even when he has someone better for the job, and doing it himself means leaving Lieutenant Steel in charge. Nothing is worth leaving Lieutenant Steel in charge of anything.
I figure the only reason he hasn't been punished for all his treachery is that Feral Doesn't consider him a threat, and he prevents a competent second-in-command, from appearing, and threatening to replace Feral.
I'd say Feral was meant to be some sort of object lesson about foolish bravado, but the SWAT Kats are at least as full of ridiculous '80s action-hero machismo. They're like John Rambo meets Batman, in a cartoon. (Dang, Hana-Barberra could have pitched this show with that line.)
The real reason he always loses is because he fights to make himself look good, and his rivals fight to save the city and rescue the girl. The good guys always win, and the bad guys, get beat up by other bad guys, to show that only the good guys can defeat the bad guys. Ah, cartoon karma.
Post by Faith on Oct 21, 2008 23:55:40 GMT -5
*Laugh!!!* Yeah, I remembered afterward. But I wasn't about to get back on to fix it... I was getting yelled at, again... XP *Snrk!* Yes, Babelfish is an amusing tool. I'm quite fond if it. I'm afriad I have little else to add. Unless ya'll wanted to hear about a former conversation, which might be quotable... XD *Driving by the only electrical light-up sign offering gas price information in town...* L: "Gas is down to $2.85!" M: "Hey, yeah, it is!" C: "I think it's great that you guys keep track of gas prices, and don't drive." M: "It's the only thing that ever happens here." L: "Yeah, it's such a small town..." M: "In fact, I can almost see people with their lawn chairs and buckets of popcorn, sitting in front of the gas station watching the numbers on the sign change." The conversations my friends have after X-C... ... ... '
Post by bloodreaper on Oct 26, 2008 21:19:11 GMT -5
" It's a brand new me.
And the sun is high,
and all the birds are singing,
That you're gonna die!
How I hesitated;
Now I wonder why.
It's a brand new day!
It's a brand new day!
Yeah, the sun is high!
And all the angels sing,
because you're gonna die!
Go ahead and laugh!
Yeah, I'm a funny guy!
Tell everyone... Goodbye!
It's a brand new day!" Male Newscaster: "Captain Hammer and the Mayor will both be on hand for the opening of the new homeless shelter, and of course, the unveiling of the statue of Captain Hammer." Female Newscaster: "It's a good day to be homeless." MN: "Ha ha ha! Yes it is!" "It's not enough to bash in heads" You have to bash in minds!" --Captain Hammer ============ Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog: It's much better than it sounds.Drhorrible.com is the place to be for people who haven't seen this movie, because you can watch it there. 45 minutes, contains explicit dialog, and a potential downer ending, depending on your interpretation. "A Joss Whedon Film"